Mystery shopping is a research technique used by companies to evaluate the quality of their products and services. It involves individuals to pose as regular customers and report on their experiences. Mystery shopping helps companies identify areas for improvement and high standards of customer service.
IPM owns more than 100 shoppers. Mystery shoppers are individuals who are hired to visit a business or establishment and evaluate the quality of service provided. They pose as regular customers and provide feedback on various aspects of the experience, such as the cleanliness the premises, the behavior of the staff, and the overall customer service. Mystery shopping is a valuable tool for businesses to improve their operations and ensure customer satisfaction.
During mystery shopping, various aspects of a business are assessed, including customer service, product quality, store cleanliness, and adherence to company policies and procedures. Mystery shoppers act as regular customers and provide detailed feedback on their experience, which is then used by businesses to improve their operations and customer satisfaction.
During mystery shopping, the mystery shopper assesses the service provided by a business by posing as a customer and evaluating various aspects of the service. This includes observing the behavior of staff, the quality of the products or services offered, and the overall customer experience. The mystery shopper may also interact with staff to assess their knowledge and helpfulness. The results of the evaluation are then used to provide feedback to the business and to identify areas for improvement.
IPM uses Mystery shopping reporting tools and software that are designed to help businesses. Our tool includes features such as customizable surveys, real-time reporting, and data visualization. By using these tools, businesses can gain valuable insights into customer experiences and make data-driven decisions to improve their operations.